Evaluation Scenario 1

This document is the solution set for Scenario 1 of the Jan 2023 DARPA ASKEM program evaluation. Quoted text is the scenario specfification provided by DARPA/MITRE. Unquoted text, code and output are intended to address the question posed in the scenario document, while providing use case illustration for the libraries in question.

In this scenario, we investigate the effects of different age population distributions on the effect of viral epidemics using a simple SIR model.

First, we load various packages for model exploration and data loading, which we will use later.

using EasyModelAnalysis, LinearAlgebra
using EasyModelAnalysis.ModelingToolkit: toparam
using EasyModelAnalysis.ModelingToolkit.Symbolics: FnType, variable, variables
using XLSX, CSV, DataFrames, Plots
using Catlab, Catlab.CategoricalAlgebra, Catlab.Programs, AlgebraicPetri,
using Base: splat

Stratified SIR

Scenario Ask: In order to consider more nuanced interventions, we would like for models to account for different age groups and their contact dynamics. Start with a basic SIR model without vital dynamics, and stratify it according to the following questions.

We begin by creating a basic function that manually creates a stratified SIR model given a list of population buckets.

tf = 600
const k = 1000
const γ = 1 / 14
const R₀ = 5
const β = R₀ * γ

    make_stratified_model(pops, contactmat; infectedfrac = nothing)

Given a list of population buckets `pops` (of length `n`), create a stratified SIR model with interaction
incidence given by `contactmat`. The SIR parameters γ and R0 (and thus β) are inherited from global scope.
Returns the system of differential equations that can be used for futher simulations.

The optional keyword argument `infectedfrac` specifies the fraction of each group that should be
considered infected initially.
function make_stratified_model(pops, contactmat; infectedfrac = nothing)
    types = LabelledPetriNet([:Pop],
                             :infect => ((:Pop, :Pop) => (:Pop, :Pop)),
                             :disease => (:Pop => :Pop),
                             :strata => (:Pop => :Pop))
    sir_uwd = @relation () where {(S::Pop, I::Pop, R::Pop)} begin
        infect(S, I, I, I)
        disease(I, R)
    sir_typed = oapply_typed(types, sir_uwd, [:inf, :rec])
    totalpop = sum(pops)
    n = length(pops)
    I₀ = something(infectedfrac, n / totalpop)
    sir_paramd = add_params(sir_typed,
                            Dict{Symbol, Float64}(:S => 1 - I₀, :I => I₀, :R => 0),
                            Dict(:inf => β, :rec => γ))

    ages = pairwise_id_typed_petri(types, :Pop, :infect, [Symbol("A$i") for i in 1:n],
                                   pops, contactmat ./ pops,
                                   codom_net = codom(sir_paramd))
    ages = add_reflexives(ages, repeat([[:disease]], n), types)
    return typed_product(sir_paramd, ages)

    scenario1(pops, contactmat; infectedfrac, numinfected)

Run a scenario 1 simulation with the given population buckets and contact matrix.
`infectedfrac` has the same meaning as in `make_stratified_model`.
`numinfected` allows specifying a fixed number of individuals in each age group
considered infected initially.
function scenario1(pops, mat; infectedfrac = nothing, numinfected = nothing)
    sir_strat = flatten_labels(make_stratified_model(pops, mat; infectedfrac).dom)
    sys = ODESystem(sir_strat)
    U₀ = map(splat(*), sir_strat[:, :concentration])
    if !isnothing(numinfected)
        U₀[2:2:end] .= numinfected
    P = map(splat(*), sir_strat[:, :rate])
    prob = ODEProblem(sys, U₀, (0, tf), P)
function LogNormalPrior(mean, variance)
    μ = log(mean^2 / sqrt(mean^2 + variance))
    σ = sqrt(log(1 + variance / mean^2))
    LogNormal(μ, σ)

function create_priors(prob, C_mean, var)
    c_priors = []
    params = parameters(prob.f.sys)
    for (i,c) in enumerate(C_mean)
        if C_mean[i] > 0
            push!(c_priors, params[i] => LogNormalPrior(C_mean[i], var))
            push!(c_priors, params[i] => Normal(C_mean[i], 0.0))
    vcat(c_priors, [params[end] => LogNormalPrior(0.07, var)])
create_priors (generic function with 1 method)

Question 1

Start with a simple stratification with three age groups: young, middle-aged, and old.

Sub-question 1.a.

Begin with a situation where the population size across each age group is uniform: Nyoung = 2k, Nmiddle = 2k, N_old = 2k. Assume only one person in each age group is infectious at the beginning of the simulation. Let gamma = 1/14 days, and let R0 = 5. Assume gamma, beta, and R0 are the same for all age groups.

i. Simulate this model for the case where the 3x3 contact matrix is uniform (all values in matrix are 0.33)

N.B.: Uniform 1/n_strata is the default in our model creation function above.

prob = scenario1([2k, 2k, 2k], fill(1/3, 3, 3), numinfected = 1)
sol = solve(prob)
plt_a1 = plot(sol, leg = :topright)
_p = []
for (i,var) in enumerate([0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1])
    pltkwargs = i == 5 ? (;seriescolor = [:red :green :blue], label = ["Infected Young" "Infected Middle" "Infected Old"]) : (;seriescolor = [:red :green :blue])
    param_priors = create_priors(prob, fill(1 / 3, (3, 3)), var)
    push!(_p, plot_uncertainty_forecast_quantiles(prob, [variable( Symbol("I_A1(t)")), variable( Symbol("I_A2(t)")), variable( Symbol("I_A3(t)"))], 0.0:1:100.0, param_priors, 50; pltkwargs...))
plot(_p..., layout = (1, 5), size = (1600, 300), plot_title = "Infected with varying priors", legend = :outerright)

ii. Simulate this model for the case where there is significant in-group contact preference – you may choose the numbers in the matrix to represent this in- group preference.

We pick a contact matrix with significant (0.4) in-group interaction and somewhat weak (but differening, to make the plots more interesting) off-diagonal interactions.

contact_matrix = [0.4 0.05 0.1
                  0.05 0.4 0.15
                  0.1 0.15 0.4]
3×3 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.4   0.05  0.1
 0.05  0.4   0.15
 0.1   0.15  0.4

We now use this updated contact matrix to re-run the simulation.

prob = scenario1([2k, 2k, 2k], contact_matrix, numinfected = 1)
sol = solve(prob)
plt_a2 = plot(sol, leg = :topright)
_p = []
for (i,var) in enumerate([0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1])
    pltkwargs = i == 5 ? (;seriescolor = [:red :green :blue], label = ["Infected Young" "Infected Middle" "Infected Old"]) : (;seriescolor = [:red :green :blue])
    param_priors = create_priors(prob, contact_matrix, var)
    push!(_p, plot_uncertainty_forecast_quantiles(prob, [variable( Symbol("I_A1(t)")), variable( Symbol("I_A2(t)")), variable( Symbol("I_A3(t)"))], 0.0:1:100.0, param_priors, 50; pltkwargs...))
plot(_p..., layout = (1, 5), size = (1600, 300), plot_title = "Infected with varying priors", legend = :outerright)

iii. Simulate this model for the case where there is no contact between age groups. You may choose the numbers in the matrix, but ensure it meets the requirement of no contact between age groups.

prob = scenario1([2k, 2k, 2k], Diagonal(contact_matrix), numinfected = 1)
sol = solve(prob)
plt_a3 = plot(sol, leg = :topright)
_p = []
for (i,var) in enumerate([0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1])
    pltkwargs = i == 5 ? (;seriescolor = [:red :green :blue], label = ["Infected Young" "Infected Middle" "Infected Old"]) : (;seriescolor = [:red :green :blue])
    param_priors = create_priors(prob, Diagonal(contact_matrix), var)
    push!(_p, plot_uncertainty_forecast_quantiles(prob, [variable( Symbol("I_A1(t)")), variable( Symbol("I_A2(t)")), variable( Symbol("I_A3(t)"))], 0.0:1:100.0, param_priors, 50; pltkwargs...))
plot(_p..., layout = (1, 5), size = (1600, 300), plot_title = "Infected with varying priors", legend = :outerright)

Simulate social distancing by scaling down the uniform contact matrix by a factor (e.g. multiply by 0.5)

uniform_matrix = fill(0.33, (3, 3))
prob = scenario1([2k, 2k, 2k], 0.5 * uniform_matrix, numinfected = 1)
sol = solve(prob)
plt_a4 = plot(sol, leg = :topright)
_p = []
for (i,var) in enumerate([0.0001, 0.001, 0.01, 0.1, 1])
    pltkwargs = i == 5 ? (;seriescolor = [:red :green :blue], label = ["Infected Young" "Infected Middle" "Infected Old"]) : (;seriescolor = [:red :green :blue])
    param_priors = create_priors(prob, 0.5 .* (contact_matrix), var)
    push!(_p, plot_uncertainty_forecast_quantiles(prob, [variable( Symbol("I_A1(t)")), variable( Symbol("I_A2(t)")), variable( Symbol("I_A3(t)"))], 0.0:1:100.0, param_priors, 50; pltkwargs...))
plot(_p..., layout = (1, 5), size = (1600, 300), plot_title = "Infected with varying priors", legend = :outerright)

Repeat 1.a.iv for the scenario where the young population has poor compliance with social distancing policies, but the old population is very compliant.

scaling = Diagonal([0.9, 0.8, 0.4])
sol = solve(scenario1([2k, 2k, 2k], scaling * uniform_matrix, numinfected = 1))
plt_a5 = plot(sol, leg = :topright)

Now we combine all the plots into one to allow easy comparison.

plot(plt_a1, plt_a2, plt_a3, plt_a4, plt_a5, size = (1000, 500))

Repeat 1.a for a younger-skewing population: N_young = 3k, N_middle = 2k, N_old = 1k

sol = solve(scenario1([3k, 2k, 1k], fill(1/3, 3, 3), numinfected = 1))
plt_b1 = plot(sol, leg = :topright, title = "i")

sol = solve(scenario1([3k, 2k, 1k], contact_matrix, numinfected = 1))
plt_b2 = plot(sol, leg = :topright, title = "ii")

sol = solve(scenario1([3k, 2k, 1k], Diagonal(contact_matrix), numinfected = 1))
plt_b3 = plot(sol, leg = :topright, title = "iii")

sol = solve(scenario1([3k, 2k, 1k], 0.5 * uniform_matrix, numinfected = 1))
plt_b4 = plot(sol, leg = :topright, title = "iv")

sol = solve(scenario1([3k, 2k, 1k], scaling * uniform_matrix, numinfected = 1))
plt_b5 = plot(sol, leg = :topright, title = "v")

plot(plt_b1, plt_b2, plt_b3, plt_b4, plt_b5, size = (1000, 500))

Repeat 1.a for an older-skewing population: N_young = 1k, N_middle = 2k, N_old = 3k

sol = solve(scenario1([1k, 2k, 3k], fill(1/3, 3, 3), numinfected = 1))
plt_c1 = plot(sol, leg = :topright, title = "i")

sol = solve(scenario1([1k, 2k, 3k], contact_matrix, numinfected = 1))
plt_c2 = plot(sol, leg = :topright, title = "ii")

sol = solve(scenario1([1k, 2k, 3k], Diagonal(contact_matrix), numinfected = 1))
plt_c3 = plot(sol, leg = :topright, title = "iii")

sol = solve(scenario1([1k, 2k, 3k], 0.5 * uniform_matrix, numinfected = 1))
plt_c4 = plot(sol, leg = :topright, title = "iv")

sol = solve(scenario1([1k, 2k, 3k], scaling * uniform_matrix, numinfected = 1))
plt_c5 = plot(sol, leg = :topright, title = "v")

plot(plt_c1, plt_c2, plt_c3, plt_c4, plt_c5, size = (1000, 500))

d. Compare simulation outputs from 1a-c, and describe any takeaways/conclusions.

The most difference between age demographics can be seen in the case where there are social-distancing compliance differences. We complare these plots here:

plot(plt_a5, plt_b5, plt_c5)

Question 2

Now find real contact matrix data and stratify the basic SIR model with the appropriate number of age groups to match the data found. To simulate the model with realistic initial values, find data on population distribution by age group. As in question 1, let gamma = 1/14 days, and let R0 = 5. Assume gamma, beta, and R0 are the same for all age groups.

TA1 provided the data from "Projecting social contact matrices in 152 countries using contact surveys and demographic data" by Prem, et al. This paper comes with 10 Excel files that provide contact matrices for 152 countries at work, home, school and other locations (plus a data set of the sum of these locations). The data values in these excel files are raw, averaged survey results.


We make no attempt to normalize or otherwise adjust the contact matrices. The interpretation of the contact matrices needs to be consistent with the SIR parameter β, which is fixed in our the given scenario. In a real world case, care would need to be taken to match the units of the contact matrix to the units of β.

# Load contact matrices
xf_all_locations1 = XLSX.readxlsx("data/MUestimates_all_locations_1.xlsx")
xf_all_locations2 = XLSX.readxlsx("data/MUestimates_all_locations_2.xlsx")
xf_work1 = XLSX.readxlsx("data/MUestimates_work_1.xlsx")
xf_work2 = XLSX.readxlsx("data/MUestimates_work_2.xlsx")
xf_school1 = XLSX.readxlsx("data/MUestimates_school_1.xlsx")
xf_school2 = XLSX.readxlsx("data/MUestimates_school_2.xlsx")
xf_home1 = XLSX.readxlsx("data/MUestimates_home_1.xlsx")
xf_home2 = XLSX.readxlsx("data/MUestimates_home_2.xlsx")
xf_other1 = XLSX.readxlsx("data/MUestimates_other_locations_1.xlsx")
xf_other2 = XLSX.readxlsx("data/MUestimates_other_locations_2.xlsx")

xfs1 = (; all = xf_all_locations1, work = xf_work1, school = xf_school1,
        home = xf_home1, other = xf_other1)
xfs2 = (; all = xf_all_locations2, work = xf_work2, school = xf_school2,
        home = xf_home2, other = xf_other2)

to_cm(sheet) = Float64[sheet[i, j] for i in 2:17, j in 1:16]
to_cm (generic function with 1 method)

We begin by loading up the relevant data for Belgium and quickly visualizing the contract matrix.

# Load Belgium contact matrix
cm_belg = to_cm(xf_all_locations1["Belgium"])
heatmap(cm_belg, yflip = true)

Next we load the population distribution data.

pop_belg = collect(values(CSV.read("data/2022_ Belgium_population_by_age.csv", DataFrame,
                                   header = 3)[1, 2:17]))
bar(1:length(pop_belg), collect(pop_belg), permute = (:x, :y),
    xlabel = "Age (5 year buckets)", ylabel = "Total # of people", leg = :none)
# Set up model
# Per MITRE: Assume that the same fixed fraction of the population in each stratum is initially infected. Here: 0.01%
sol = solve(scenario1(pop_belg, cm_belg, infectedfrac = 0.0001))
plot(sol, leg = :topright)

If the data you’ve found supports this, compare the situation for a country with significant multi-generational contact beyond two generations (as indicated by multiple contact matrix diagonal bandings), and for a country without.

TA1 advises that India has significant multi-generational contact, while Belgium does not. We repeat the exercise for India.

# Load India contact matrix
cm_india = to_cm(xf_all_locations1["India"])
hm = heatmap(cm_india, yflip = true)

# Load India population distribution
pop_india = collect(values(CSV.read("data/2016_india_population_by_age.csv", DataFrame)[1,
bar_india = bar(1:length(pop_india), collect(pop_india), permute = (:x, :y),
                xlabel = "Age (5 year buckets)", ylabel = "Total # of people", leg = :none)
plot(hm, bar_india)
sol = solve(scenario1(pop_india, cm_india, infectedfrac = 0.0001))
plot(sol, leg = :topright)

If the data supports this, try implementing interventions like: (1) School closures (2) Social distancing at work and other locations, but not at home.

(1) School closures

Prem et al Supplementary info, page 20

function cm_school(xfs, country)
    to_cm(xfs[:home][country]) + to_cm(xfs[:work][country]) + to_cm(xfs[:other][country])
end # no school

cm_belgium_school_closure = cm_school(xfs1, "Belgium")
sol = solve(scenario1(pop_belg, cm_belgium_school_closure, infectedfrac = 0.0001))
plot(sol, leg = :topright)

(2) Social distancing at work and other locations, but not at home.

Prem et al sets social distancing to reduce contacts by half

function cm_social_dist(xfs, country)
    to_cm(xfs[:home][country]) + 0.5 * to_cm(xfs[:work][country]) +
    0.5 * to_cm(xfs[:school][country]) + 0.5 * to_cm(xfs[:other][country])

cm_belgium_social_dist = cm_social_dist(xfs1, "Belgium")
sol = solve(scenario1(pop_belg, cm_belgium_social_dist, infectedfrac = 0.0001))
plot(sol, leg = :topright)